
3 Cygnets which could develop into Black Swans

3 Cygnets which could develop into Black Swans Today is Monday 20th May 2019 and we are briefly looking at 3 cygnets either of which or all could develop into black swans affecting the US dollar and the price of gold and silver during the weeks and months ahead.

As many of you are aware a cygnet is a baby swan. Well we have identified 3 cygnets which have the potential to develop into 3 fully grown black swans, an analogy or metaphor for surprising and significant events to come – and not good ones at that.

1. The growing tensions with Iran.
2. Increasing Tensions with China.
3. Possible Trump Impeachment

So, will any of these cygnets develop into an adult black swan or are there others lurking around the corner? Of course, the whole essence of the black swan analogy is that they are unseen until they appear and perhaps the fact that we anticipate some mean that the three we have expressed may indeed not happen.

Whether they do or do not, one thing is for certain. The next few months are important and the run up to the Presidential election in 2021 even more so. We can expect market turbulence before then because of these 3 cygnets but be mindful others also lurk in the shadows such as North Korea, Syria, Israel, Venezuela, Brexit, the EU etc.

Whatever comes to pass, it need not be disastrous, but will in our view, be turbulent. This morning is relatively quiet with gold down $2 at $1275 and silver is level at $14.40. Listeners know that it is our view that these levels will go lower in coming weeks, but these cygnets could indeed derail any downward pressure and cause precious metal prices to rise – whether they will or not remains to be seen – the question is not Shakespeare’s Hamlet:

“to be or not to be” but is Illuminati Silver’s “black swan or no black swan”.

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