
Eternal Perspective To Sustain You - Daily Prophetic Word

Eternal Perspective To Sustain You - Daily Prophetic Word Click here to make a donation to support these daily prophetic words

Even though your heart hurts and the pains of this world are very real, trust I am revealing myself to you, to those who will seek me. Even though the troubles are real, so is my love for you, so is my comfort for you, and so is my heart of affection for you. Even though it seems the mountains in your life are so big, and so many, like they will never end, know also my love for you knows no end and is bigger than any mountain you have ever seen, or ever will see. (1)

I see your heart in your times of despair and discouragement. It is in these times my heart hurts with yours, knowing the pain you are going through, but also in these times my hope and comfort is available for you. In the times of your darkness, in your times of your greatest hurts, in the times of your greatest need, reach out to me and I will meet you there. (2)

Even though you feel all alone, like you are being squashed by life, remember I am near you, for in the joy of our fellowship together your heart will be renewed. Your vision will be renewed and strengthened, for my hope will flood your heart and will sustain you. My hope will bring about my eternal perspective and you will begin to see these trials as but light afflictions. (3)

This eternal perspective is not a natural conclusion. This perspective will not always make sense to your logical mind. This perspective will only come by spending time with me, by knowing me, and by allowing me to reveal and instill it deep within you. As you possess this perspective, it will not be stolen from you. It will always remain and will be valuable to you as well.

So in these times of hardship, remember these things are working for a greater purpose deep within you. There is so much more happening in these moments than you are be able to realize and fully comprehend. Even though you may not see or understand all that is happening, trust in me and trust in my plans for you. (4)

(1) Romans 8:18, 1 Peter 4:12-13, Matthew 17:20
(2) 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, 1 Peter 5:7, Psalm 34:17-20
(3) Isaiah 41:10, James 5:13, Matthew 28:20
(4) Romans 8:18, 1 Corinthians 2:9, Jeremiah 29:11

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