
Redesigning the Deviant Art LOGO! Logo design process from start to finish.

Redesigning the Deviant Art LOGO! Logo design process from start to finish. Submit a famous company to rebrand HERE -

Website is still under construction but I've tested the request feature and it's all working 👍

Deviant art is one of the top art sharing websites, but what do you think of the logo? I tackle the challenge of creating some new options and have made a poll so you can vote for your favourite logo option.
This project is an 'unsolicited rebrand' so all just for some YouTube fun - not affiliated with the company at all 🙃

What do you think of the logo designs? Vote in the POLL!

If you enjoy watching the logo design process from start to finish, then be sure to check out my other episodes! Visit my channel and watch the ones that you like the look of 😀

Developing ideas right through to 5 final deviant art logo options which you can vote on, I show you the complete logo design process from start to finish.

If you like watching the logo design process then I hope you’ll enjoy this!
#logodesign #graphicdesign #rebrandeverything

If you use discord check out these design channels:
Westlogo -
Nitro Design -
DesignDrop -

Add me on the usual socials:

logo design process,logo design illustrator,logo design ideas,graphic design process,adobe illustrator tips,logo design competition,watch a designer,logo design tips,logo design inspiration,graphic design inspiration,rebrand everything,rebrand logo,rebranding a company,logo design process start to finish,redesign logo,deviantart logo,deviant art,deviant art logo,zimri mayfield logo,will paterson logo,the futur logo,the futur logo design,logogeek,

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