
Trademark Registration Process in the UAE

Trademark Registration Process in the UAE Trademark registration is becoming increasingly important in the business world.
Trademark registration is a key differentiator for your brand. It builds brand reputation.

What is the Trademark Registration Process in the UAE?
1. Conduct an existing Trademark lookup
Ensure the trademark assets that you wish to register are not in use currently by anyone. Do online research or reach out a specialized business consultant
2. Submit the Documents to the Authority
In the UAE, the Ministry of Economy is the governing body for Trademark Registration. All required documents are to be submitted for the assessment
3. Payment requirement for issuing the trademark registration certificate
Post submission of the required documents, the payment has to be processed to initiate the registration.
4. Receive the Approval from the Ministry of Economy
After the review from the Ministry of Economy, the registration request will be published for public opinion.
5. Publishing in two National Arabic newspapers
The public can share their opinion in a 30-day window. if no objections received, the registration will proceed.
6. Issuing of the Trademark Registration Certificate
Trademark Registration Certificate will be issued for a 10-year period (renewable) once all the procedures are cleared.

To know more you can read the complete article here:

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