
allegedly faulty pulsar trail xq50.

allegedly faulty pulsar trail xq50. I recently got my hands on a pulsar trail xq50 thermal rifle scope .this scope had been reprted to have a known fault of zero shift .after the owner had shot perfect with it for almost two yrs . so i mounted it on my 223 and went about putting it through its paces .just to add i alot of experiance with these scopes . inital zero of 1 inch high was easily aquired . and after a few shots i put the gun away as it was all good . then the next day i took it shooting again same place same conditions . this time the gun shot aprox 4inch low . i tested the scope over the next 4 days and in toatal the shift was aprox 8. 1/2 inch . not good at all consdering i did the same test with my own scope and no shift at all . i was reluctant to post this as it may cause a stir . but its ppls money and they / we need genuine answers for the shift . cheers


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