
Bible interprets bible

Bible interprets bible This is an extract from the book entitled "Her Seed - The amazing love of the extraordinary Father".

This is the greatest love story of how the Father sacrificed His life to rescue and protect His beloved children from the master villain.

Where do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be?
The great love story that is older than the seas.
The simple truth about the love He brings to me.
Where do I start?
— Adapted from the Love Theme, Love Story

The amazing love of the extraordinary Father came in the Person of Christ Jesus.

It all started with her Seed.

The sole objective of this book is to attempt to make you salivate for the Word of God. This is motivated by 1 Peter 2:2-3.

We will follow the lead of the foundation and reference scriptures all the way through to the New Testament.

In the course of this journey, we will be making many interesting observations from scriptures. For example:
1. God’s signature move;
2. The crime Adam committed;
3. The identity of the missing man in the account of the adulterous woman brought before Jesus.
4. The principle of representation and identification;
5. The significance of the bruising of the serpent’s head and the heel of the Seed;
6. The many attempts by Satan to exterminate the promised Seed;
7. How Chinese martial arts is akin to the concept of cornerstone;
8. How God served poetic justice on Satan;
9. How it is all about Jesus’ faith in and obedience to God and not ours;
10. How Jabez and Joseph were types of Jesus;
11. How low a level God the Son condescended as Jesus the Man;
12. How the Bible interprets the Bible;
13. How the Hokkien phrase “Mai Tu liao” encapsulates the meaning of Ephesians 5:16;
14. How the righteous of God are beneficiaries of a recession;
15. How the salvation plan was hidden in Isaiah 29:1-10 and the Book of Ezekiel;
16. How the word “sinner” is not a derogatory term;
17. Our legal rights to the righteousness of God; and
18. Where some of the many typologies of Jesus are located in the Old Testament.

These are but some of the many observations you will find in this book.

As you immerse in the scriptures presented in this book, you will be drawn into an exciting and intriguing plot interwoven in fabrics of evil, mystery, murder, victory, love and much more.

It is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Brace yourself for an exciting time in the word!

Get to see Jesus hidden in the Old Testament and have a taste of the Emmaus experience.

Witness for yourself the salvation plan of God from before antiquity to the present Church Age that we live in.

Marvel at the profound wisdom of the triune God as He obscured the identity of the promised Seed from the frustrated master villain, who played the “hide-and-seek” game over thousands of years.

The Haman versus Mordecai saga in the Book of Esther was a foreshadowing of Satan’s humiliating defeat (Esther 7:10).

Satan knew that the promised Seed would come from the Jews but he did not know who exactly. This probably explains the disproportionate hatred towards the Jews in general.

He tried to kill the promised Seed by attempting to exterminate the entire Jewish race. However, God worked behind the scene to thwart Satan’s sinister attempt and turned the table against him.
It was a demonstration of God’s signature move; beating Satan at his own game!

The Jews were eventually saved from complete decimation. Today, this significant victory is celebrated as the Festival of Purim in Israel.

This is just an appetiser before the main course.

So, tighten your spiritual seat belt and dive right into this exhilarating ride through the passage of time as we unravel one of the greatest biblical mysteries since time immemorial.

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