
Pushing Back Against Privilege! Censored

Pushing Back Against Privilege! Censored In this short excerpt, the Hosts and Dr. E. Michael Jones discuss some of the implications of Privilege, and how Americans can use nonviolent means such as dialogue and political associations to push back against their oppressors.

Dr. E. Michael Jones is a world renowned and best-selling Catholic author, lecturer, and editor of Culture Wars magazine. His books include:

πŸ“•Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control:

πŸ“—The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing:

πŸ“˜Barren Metal: Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury:

πŸ“— The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History

πŸ“šFor a complete list of Dr. Jones' books visit:

Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine.


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#CultureWars #LogosRising

Logos,Logos Rising,E. Michael Jones,Culture Wars,Catholic,Power and Privilege,Privilege,Oppressors,Bankers,Epstein,Jeffrey Epstein,Philadelphia,Hollywood,Corrupt,Media,Corrupt Politics,American Politics,Free Speech,Censorship,Politics,White Privilege,Nationalism,Nonviolence,

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