
Squad II: The Establishment Strikes Back | Episode 202 (July 19, 2019)

Squad II: The Establishment Strikes Back | Episode 202 (July 19, 2019) Get early access to videos by supporting us on Patreon, YouTube or PayPal! Sign up here: or here: or here:

Last time we talked about The Squad’s spat with Nancy Pelosi (this includes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley), but this week The Squad is being targeted by someone else: Donald Trump. He tweeted that they should go back to their home countries if they dislike America (all four are American citizens and three were born here). We’ll dig into Trump’s morally reprehensible comments, talk about Lindsey Graham’s unhinged attack on them, and we’ll also revisit the Pelosi-Squad dispute and talk about how House Democrats want AOC’s Chief of Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti fired for criticizing them. We’ll also talk about Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign, interview 2020 congressional candidate Anthony Clark, and also Mike’s Prager YOU ad makes its debut.

Watch The Washington Post’s Full Interview With Bernie Sanders:
Sanders Accuses Biden of Using Pharma Talking Points:
Why Detaining Migrants is Profitable:
Democrats Wired:
Bernie Sanders Brilliantly Trolls Joe Biden with Healthcare Quiz:
Progressive Policies Are Extremely Popular:

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The Humanist Report (THR) is a progressive political podcast that discusses and analyzes current news events and pressing political issues. Our analyses are guided by humanism and political progressivism. Each news story we cover is supplemented with thought-provoking, fact-based commentary that aims for the highest level of objectivity.

#HumanistReport #THR #MikeFigueredo

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,AOC,Donald Trump,The Squad,Ilhan Omar,Rashida Tlaib,Ayanna Pressley,Bernie Sanders,Bernie 2020,2020 Election,Democratic Primary,Dave Rubin,Candace Owens,Prager U,Anthony Clark,Latest News,Politics,The Humanist Report,THR,Mike Figueredo,

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