
Novice Training, Seated OHP, Rack Work (Q&A)

Novice Training, Seated OHP, Rack Work (Q&A) 0:03 Hey Alex, how many days rest do you need before working that muscle again?
1:07 Hi Alpha! Eating well for gains in a very low budget (like 100euros per mouth for food), what do you recommend? Greetings from Portugal!
2:37 What are your thoughts on the Barbell Hip Trust and how would you program them?
3:22 Alex do you have a general warm-up before your training sessions? Like band pull aparts, shoulder dislocates and maybe even some cardio to get the blood pumping?
4:16 Hey Alex what’s a good way to incorporate some explosive/Olympic movements (clean,jerk,snatch) into your novice program or any similar size&strength program.
5:07 Do you think that weighted pull ups alone are enough to get the one arm pull-up?
6:19 Alex What is your opinion on band pushups? Where the band goes around your back and you hold them with your hands? Never heard you talk about them. Love the content btw.
7:04 Alex, I am currently a novice following your program. I sometimes feel sore and still go to the gym, is this a detriment to my gains? Should I skip a day if I feel sore?
8:20 Alex, your opinion on Sitting OHP vs Z-Press. I too have a low ceiling gym, I have been doing a sitting OHP. If you have to pick one over the other for focusing on aesthetics, which one would you choose?
9:32 Yo Alex do you think that its possible to build muscle with home video exercises (ex: p90x, insanity, etc.)?
10:33 Good Morning and Front Squat combo to build up Low-Bar? Interested on hearing that.
11:30 Seeing as there may be some risks to going really heavy on rack pulls, do you think we could make the same gains or even better by doing them for volume instead (but still on intensity days)?
12:37 From what weight (1rm) do u think we should start deadlifting twice a week? And same about once?
13:36 Hey Alex, i don't have a rack in my gym, without squats what would u do to replace? Doing bulgarian and lunges
14:34 Currently about 15-16% BF with a measly 650~ total at 5'8 175 lbs. I'd like to increase my lifts but I don't want to increase calories and gain weight as I find I'm at higher than normal weight. I've been on maintenance for a few months and strength gains are small. Would you suggest I cut down and then lean bulk from there?
15:37 How can I fit enough volume in in 2 full body workouts without my workouts taking forever? I usually run PPL as I can fit a good amount of volume in 1-1.5 hours while getting enough rest between sets.
16:40 Any tips for the weighted neck curl? I’m literally failing because of my grip. For example I’m neck curling 80lbs but can’t get a descent grip on the weights because the 45 and 35 plate isn’t even and if I put my hands through the plate it crushes my wrist. Thanks in advanced
17:59 For bent over rows, is it ok to rest the bar on the rack after every rep to reset or is that considered cheating
18:46 Hey Alex , im 17 ( 5ft11) and was 80kg in November at 20 percent body fat, i followed NE and did a dirty bulk to 110kg and now i have leaned down to 93kg, i am leaner than i was in november, could this weight gain be muscle, i dont know what else it could be if its not fat.
20:26 How does bear mode pan out for a tall lifter compared to a stockier lifter?
21:50 I don't go to the gym. Would pike push ups be a good substitute for OHP?


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Disclaimer: AlphaDestiny is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. AlphaDestiny will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

food budget,recovery,barbell hip thrust,oly,weighted pullup,one arm pullup,band pushup,novice program,sore novice,NECK CURL GRIP,seated ohp vs z press,skip training,aesthetics,p90x,low bar squat,good morning,rack pulls,deadlifts,bulgarian,15% bodyfat,2x full body,bulk or cut,weighted neck curl,rows,pike pushup,

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