
The Role of Municipalities in the Sharing Economy - Regulating

The Role of Municipalities in the Sharing Economy - Regulating In many countries, city governments choose to regulate sharing economy initiatives. In the ‘regulator role’, municipalities use regulatory tools like laws, taxes, bans and policies to govern the establishment and operation of sharing organisations. Cities may use these tools both to constrain the sharing economy, or to help it grow. This short film provides examples on how municipalities of Amsterdam, Berlin, Gothenburg, London, Malmö and San Francisco regulate the sharing economy. The film is based on the research done in two research projects: Sharing and the City (funded by Swedish Research Council Formas) and Urban Sharing research programme, which has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 771872).

sharing economy,collaborative consumption,cities,governance,regulation,Amsterdam,Berlin,Gothenburg,London,Malmö,San Francisco,sustainability,

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