
How to Improve Your Content Promotion

How to Improve Your Content Promotion This video is from a free HubSpot Academy Course on Content Strategy:

One of the greatest challenges of creating an effective long-term content strategy is staying relevant. Don’t worry, there are a few things you can do to continually improve your content promotion. Let's cover how you can make the most of your content by promoting content regularly, experimenting with your efforts, and keeping up to date on emerging channels.

When building out your content promotion plan, be sure to create a schedule that you can stick to. This best practice has a ton of benefits. For one, regularly promoting content keeps you at the top of your audience’s radar. As you and your brand establish a regular appearance across social channels, Google searches, and wherever else your audience is active, you will build trust with your audience by providing the content they need from a brand they can trust.

This trust comes with additional benefits, too. Quantitatively, you’ll be able to increase traffic to your website and blog from these promotional efforts. And qualitatively, your audience will think of you as a thought leader in your industry thanks to your helpful content.

Staying relevant is key. Don’t just promote content for the sake of promoting something to your audience. Learn what your audience likes, doesn’t like, and wants to see more of. Take this information and promote content that works. It takes work to do this efficiently – but sticking with it over time will have a huge impact on your long-term success. By constantly experimenting with your content promotion efforts, you'll see improved performance over time. Be sure to benchmark your performance to improve your metrics and exceed your goals over time.

A major part of experimenting with your content promotion is finding new channels to promote your content on. Here are a few ways you can identify new ways to promote your content. First, you can learn from your customers. It's amazing what you can uncover about your customers' behavior with just a few customer interviews. By talking to your customers regularly, you'll start detecting patterns you can use for guiding your content experiments.

If you don’t have the time to reach out to customers one-by-one to request an interview, don’t worry. There are a few other ways you can collect feedback from your customers. Consider including a tool to calculate the net promoter score, or NPS, in your content. These tools might include a scale from one to ten, a set of smiley faces, or other ways to represent the NPS scale. Add this to your emails, ebooks, blogs, or other areas of your content where viewers can be encouraged to share their feedback. You can survey your audience, too. SurveyMonkey, for example, is an easy-to-use tool for creating different types of surveys. Follow up on your latest content offer with an emailed survey or post it on your social media channels. You just might be surprised how many people are willing to offer up super helpful feedback which allows you to improve your content.

You can learn from your competitors, too. Keep track of the content your competitors produce and how they promote it. You can do this by following your competitors on your personal social media accounts and by signing up to their email newsletter or blog updates. Their content will be delivered directly to you so that you can easily keep tabs on the content they’re promoting. This can teach you where your promotional efforts are falling short, or where you are performing better than the competition.

Finally, you can learn from the experts in your industry. Working with influencers can teach you new ideas that you haven’t thought of yet. To learn how other experts are promoting their content, follow them on social media, check out their websites, and see how they are experimenting with new channels. You can even attend industry events to meet some of these influencers in person and hear what’s on their mind. Take these insights and test them out for your business. And who knows – you might even identify a potential partnership for a future campaign.

Promotional strategies should never be stagnant. For your promotional plan to be effective, it should evolve with each piece of content you promote. Learn from your past efforts, experiment with your tactics, and keep track of what is new and exciting in your industry.

Learn more about how to create a long-term content strategy in this video, or in our new Content Strategy Course, free in HubSpot Academy.

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