
Nice Girls ALWAYS Get Played

Nice Girls ALWAYS Get Played Nice Girls ALWAYS Get Played

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My definition of a nice person is somebody who is trying to win people over with niceness. When you have this image in your head that you got to be the perfect girlfriend or the angel or when you have this desire to please someone with the image of you being so saintly, we all know what that is right? We all want people to know us to be a nice person and we all want people to review us as the nicest person they've ever met.

As a result, we sort of project what we don't wanna project and we get results that don't reflect what we want to get--and that's why we get frustrated.

This desire to be nice will get you played because it opens you up to being played by the wrong people. Look, being nice only gives you superficial results. People will tell you how great you are but behind that. they'll notice that they can take advantage of you. Not all people, not the good people but the wrong people.

The thing is this, you usually fall in love with people who make you feel insecure and most people reciprocate the love that you give but the problem is you tend to fall in love with people who don't give back that love. It creates a dynamic where you're chasing them and they're not chasing you.

When your belief system is to be nice to people to get them to like you, what tends to happen is when you get rejected, your natural reaction is to be nicer so you try even more. You do whatever you believe will get them to like you back and even though it gets a result at the moment, after a while they're gonna go back to being themselves and treat you like shit and that pattern will keep repeating itself.

Being nice will give you temporary results. They'll say yes to you for the moment but they'll return to being themselves and keep pushing you away. This pattern will continue. The problem with this kind of pattern is you can't tell because you don't have enough perspective. You're only gonna be able to notice that pattern when it's too late or when you're older or when you watch a video like this.

Look, being nice to people who don't deserve it or to people who don't give you niceness will only bring you people who take advantage of you. My solution for you guys is to learn to confront people. Be comfortable with confrontations because if you're comfortable with those moments then hat's what they're gonna use to manipulate you.

See, people who manipulate nice people knows that nice people struggle with confrontation so they're passive-aggressive with them. The nice people naturally don't want to confront people because it's not part of their character.

What really works is being a little bit more confrontational. If you're someone who's nice, been used and always get take advantage of, if you think that people are mean and you think that niceness is what brings people to like you, you got to go the other route and be a little bit more confrontational. When you feel like you're being used, take the risk and talk about it to people who are using you because if you don't do that, that's what they're gonna use to keep you there--your unwillingness to confront them.

Also, change your self-image from someone who's super nice but someone who's in the middle. A nice person who when they feel like they're being played, will become a bitch.

Here's a link to the article version:

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