
From Bankrupt To Billion-ish: How Suzy Batiz Built Poo~Pourri

From Bankrupt To Billion-ish: How Suzy Batiz Built Poo~Pourri If you want to create change, it starts with you. How? Simple:
1) Take ownership of a problem.
2) Create a solution for that problem.
3) Find others you can serve with the same problem and introduce them to your solution. When you’re ready, this resource will get you started:

I recently had the pleasure of talking with Suzy Batiz, the CEO & Founder of Poo~Pourri in her home.

She shed some light on the often overlooked sides of entrepreneurship: entrepreneurs don’t just show up one day, successful and rich, it is a JOURNEY and it is never easy but the rewards are so, so worth it.

Suzy shows a very vulnerable and open side of herself while sharing the darker side of her story.

She shares her thoughts on some of the more objectionable practices in business, the search for meaning, and how she clawed her way up to the top, and to a state of happiness after 40.



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🤔 What Is 😃 empowers Capitalists to create change. A Capitalist is a visionary type of entrepreneur. While some feel entitled to what belongs to others, we take responsibility for solving problems that we did not create. Whether it’s a global crisis or just an empty bank account, we take ownership for creating change, and we are already hard at work.

We don’t post just our lifestyle on Instagram or succeed to look good to other people. A Capitalist doesn’t have to win at the expense of others; no, a Capitalist works with others to create new opportunities that didn’t exist before, and the byproduct is profit. That’s why we embrace being part of the One Percent, because we are willing to outwork and outserve the other 99.

We know that if you want to change the world, we must first change ourselves. It doesn’t happen overnight; it starts by serving others and doing the work day after day after day. If you want to create change, it starts with you. So while the world debates, we create. We take responsibility. We solve problems. We build businesses. We create opportunity. And we proudly produce profit.

They can judge us, debate us, even blame us and try to tax us, but without us, there would be no change. We are Capitalists, and we create change.

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DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this YouTube Channel and the resources available for download/viewing through this YouTube Channel are for educational and informational purposes only.​

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