
(11|2019) David Bentley Hart: That All Shall Be Saved interview

(11|2019) David Bentley Hart: That All Shall Be Saved interview Dr. David Bentley Hart joins the show to discuss universalism, freedom, retribution, Origen, belief statements, Luke's [Norsworthy] friend Tom, and his newest book That All Shall Be Saved. [Note: the original podcast, referenced below, speak for 18 (6 seconds) minutes about baseball... so we began where Luke Norsworthy interviews Dr David Bentley Hart regarding the topics mentioned ^above...]

David Bentley Hart is an Eastern Orthodox scholar of religion, and a philosopher, writer, and cultural commentator. His books include The Experience of God and The New Testament. His most recent book, That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation, can be purchased here: [non-affiliate link]

[Note: I neither own this original interview. Newsworthy with Norsworthy. You can listen the FULL interview here at their podcast page:

cf. The Severity of Universal Salvation [Apokatastasis]
Taylor Ross

David Bentley Hart,Origen,Apokatastasis,St Gregory of Nyssa,Notre Dame University,St Maximus the Confessor,Evagrius,That All Shall Be Saved,Patristic Theology,Calvinism,Sola Scriptura,Infernalism,Eusebius,Ilaria Ramelli,The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis,Allegory,Classicist,Classics,Origenes Adamantios,St Abba Isaac the Syrian,St Gregory the Wonderworker of Neocaesarea,Clement of Alexandria,Catechism,orthodoxy,Orthodox Church,

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