
Best 20 Quotes about Wise ~ Love Quotes ~ Heart Quotes

Best 20 Quotes about Wise ~ Love Quotes ~ Heart Quotes Here you can find our brilliant collection of the most impressive quotes about Wise. We have tried to include only real-life Quotes by famous persons such as Cornel West, John Green, and Rex Stout.Moreover, you can find them in the video description.
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outstanding 20 finest quotes about Wise:

1) I have tried to be a man of letters in love with ideas in order to be a wiser and more loving person, hoping to leave the world just a little better than I found it.

― Cornel West

2) Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise.

― Horace

3) And then something invisible snapped insider her, and that which had come together commenced to fall apart.

― John Green

4) Don't do anything that you wouldn't feel comfortable reading about in the newspaper the next day.

― Joel Osteen

5) Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!

― Karl Lagerfeld

6) Most of the luxuries, and many of the so called comforts of life, are not only indispensable, but positive hinderances to the elevation of mankind. With respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have ever lived a more simple and meagre life than the poor.

― Henry David Thoreau

7) How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!" to a margin note written in her loop-heavy cursive: Straight & Fast.

― John Green

8) I don't agree that when you love, you are blind or fool. You just get wiser and see clearer what is best and of worth.

― Hark Herald Sarmiento

9) Make your lives a masterpiece, you only get one canvas.

― E.A. Bucchianeri

10) Truth exists for the wise, beauty for the feeling heart.

― Friedrich Schiller

11) It's said that a wise person learns from his mistakes. A wiser one learns from others' mistakes. But the wisest person of all learns from others's successes.

― John C. Maxwell

12) I was always an unusual girl.

My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean.

― Lana Del Rey

13) A new day: Be open enough to see opportunities. Be wise enough to be grateful. Be courageous enough to be happy.

― Steve Maraboli

14) For to be wise and love exceeds man's might.

― William Shakespeare

15) When you optimize your talents very well, you can pick money from people's pockets and nobody will ever get the guts to call you a thief.

― Israelmore Ayivor

16) The weak are dominated by their ego, the wise dominate their ego, and the intelligent are in a constant struggle against their ego.

― Hamza Yusuf

17) When you are posessed by evil spirits, it is crafty manipulations that you follow; but when you are posessed by the Holy Spirit of God, it is wise discretions you pursue!

― Israelmore Ayivor

18) We are all vainer of our luck than of our merits.

― Rex Stout

19) So may the New Year be a happy one to you, happy to many more whose happiness depends on you!

― Charles Dickens

20) It is the part of a wise man, I say, to refresh and restore himself in moderation with pleasant food and drink, with scents, with the beauty of green plants, with decoration, music, sports, the theater, and other things of this kind, which anyone can use without injury to another.

― Baruch Spinoza


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