
Defeat Rabid Jotaz and collect the nearby Force Essence and Echo - Star Wars: Fallen Jedi

Defeat Rabid Jotaz and collect the nearby Force Essence and Echo - Star Wars: Fallen Jedi First time video editing, uploading to Youtube, etc, etc...

I'll be live for the first time at on November 29th at 6:30 PM ET. Be there!

Here is a breakdown for those of you that would like a written summary:

• After moving through the game you’ll eventually pick up force push for Cal and Overcharge for BD-1. On the planet of Zeffo you’ll come across a large open area with a Star Destroyer in the distance.
• Take a plunge into the body of water. Swim left, climb to the ledge near the standard jotaz enemy, and have BD-1 end the charge on the red force field to work your way through a gap, up some stairs and into the boss room.
• First, get in a plunge attack on the boss.
• Now you’re looking for a broken door that you can force push open (on the level that the boss is walking around on). Go through the door; once you’re in this hallway you’re safe. Now it’s just a matter of waiting for the boss to finish a 2 or 3, usually 3, combo swing.
• Between these combos, roll in for a 1 or 2 combo swing of your own, if you have overhead slash you can safely get in one of those attacks between his combos for big chunks of health. Do this until he’s dead and continue along the path that’s through the door you force pushed open. At the end of that path you’ll find a grate on the floor that can be force pushed, allowing you to fall through to a lower level.
• Continue along the linear route until you reach a room with a turbine and a switch. Using the switch, or a combination of the switch and force slow, position the turbine as shown, swim over to it and climb up and to the left for a well-hidden echo. Now use your lightsaber on the cable on the side of the room opposite the switch before swimming back to activate the switch again. Take the elevator to the top to find a force essence and another switch that activates the doors in that room and the fan in the boss room. All there is to do now is back track.

Star Wars,Fallen Jedi,Rabid Jotaz,Force Essence,Echo,Star Wars Fallen Jedi,

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