
Sling Pilot Academy Student Spotlight: Will Stubbs

Sling Pilot Academy Student Spotlight: Will Stubbs Why Sling Pilot Academy?

Hands down the most cost effective full time program that gets you ready to start your career as a commercial pilot
Option to stay on with us as an instructor to build your 1,500 hours
Glass panel in all Sling trainers
Be employable by an airline in approximately 2 ¼ years. After your initial 9 months of training you will need about 1.5 years as an instructor to get your 1,500 total hours
Learn in a modern Sling aircraft that’s fun to fly We encourage you to Fly a Sling, Cessna and/or Archer so you can compare! To use a car analogy it would be like comparing driving a ’60s VW to a modern sports car.
We build aircraft onsite so you will gain some building and servicing experience during your training. Learning and understanding more about aircraft construction will make you a better pilot!
At 500 hours total flight time, you can begin earning airline sponsored tuition reimbursement
Job placement assistance – We don’t limit our students to just one, or a small group of, regional airlines. It doesn’t matter who has the best tuition reimbursement or job offer when you start your training – we’ll help place you with the regional airline that has the best deal for you when you finish your training and have built some hours! We recommend you make your decision based on: tuition reimbursement, signing bonuses, initial pay-scale, and future prospects. You will be in demand! So it’s important to keep your options open until you’re ready.


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