
Why don’t Grasshoppers need governed? What are we doing here?

Why don’t Grasshoppers need governed? What are we doing here? Why does my mom believe in Jesus but not in me?
Why are platforms created in name church then allowed to solicit money the public. Then you drive down the street and there’s a homeless person holding a sign asking for money and it’s frowned upon. Why does ASPCA commercials air multiple times a day displaying pictures of the dogs as they are found in filthiest of conditions, thus using emotion to manipulate the viewer to send financial support. But children in crisis situations such as human trafficking or child pornography not receiving attention to their need of proper shelter and care? I seen one of those ASPCA COMMERCIALS and I thought to my self; what if you were in a situation of being sexually exploited multiple times and forced to do so and that commercial was playing on the tv? Wouldn’t wonder why the dogs are getting help and you a human being isn’t? No where near the same level of attention?
Have you ever wonder what it be like living in one those countries where a outside military comes in and destroying the buildings with bombs because a militant suspects enemy may be there? Then you get put in refugee camp where your separated from all your belongings. Eating rations and being assessed by a foreign system.? Why would people to poor to develop an ambition to travel enjoy being so violently uprooted? What is their thought process, what emotion are experiencing? The news says that these wars are necessary because it’s people are suffering at the hands of a dictator? But what if what they’re saying is not how you felt and the actions that are taking weren’t necessary because you were never suffering.


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