
Why the majority of young people prefer 'Friendsgiving' over Thanksgiving

Why the majority of young people prefer 'Friendsgiving' over Thanksgiving Seven in 10 young Americans prefer Friendsgiving over a traditional Thanksgiving, according to new research.

The poll of 2,000 Americans looked into how and with whom we celebrate the Thanksgiving festivities and found over two-thirds (68 percent) say celebrating Friendsgiving is their preferred method of engaging in the autumnal celebration.

Results revealed 62 percent say they don’t enjoy hosting or even attending a traditional Thanksgiving.

In fact, 58 percent say they enjoy Friendsgiving over a traditional Thanksgiving because they get to be more social while a further 56 percent feel less pressure to impress their guests at a Friendsgiving.

A study conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Sabra examined the festive habits of 2,000 young Americans (aged 18-38) and uncovered 58 percent prefer Friendsgiving to a traditional Thanksgiving because they get to avoid personal questions from the family.

But, that’s not all. Another two in five of the young people studied enjoy a Friendsgiving over a traditional Thanksgiving because they don’t have to bite their tongue around the dinner table while a further 38 percent don’t have to worry about offending a relative.

It’s no wonder then that 28 percent of the young people surveyed plan on hosting their own Friendsgiving this year.

And, of those planning on hosting their own November celebration, 67 percent are looking forward to hosting their Friendsgiving this upcoming year.

However, not all Thanksgiving traditions are thrown out the window at a Friendsgiving. Forty-four percent still do expect the traditional Thanksgiving dishes to show up on the table at their next Friendsgiving, while more than ¼ of guests bring hummus or guacamole to the event.

With all these traditional Thanksgiving dishes are expected on the table at Friendsgiving, it’s no surprise that four in five struggle to know what to cook for their Friendsgiving or traditional Thanksgiving meal.

In fact, 44 percent of those surveyed reveal they are totally intimidated by cooking certain traditional Thanksgiving dishes.

Of those who feel beads of sweat dripping down their faces before preparing a dish for their Friendsgiving, the biggest dish that leads to the most stress on young Americans is preparing the Turkey. Over half (53 percent) of those who are intimidated to cook a traditional Thanksgiving dish reveal turkey to be the most intimidating to prepare.

But, it’s not just the main event that causes stress for young Americans when preparing their Friendsgiving menus. Desserts rank high as well. Over half (52 percent) say pumpkin pie is feared while a further 39 percent stress over preparing the perfect apple pie. And another 38 percent get sweaty just thinking about making cherry pie for their next Friendsgiving.

Spokesperson for Sabra stated:
“Young Americans may prefer Friendsgiving over a traditional Thanksgiving, but this trendy holiday should be a joyful get-together and not a source of stress,” said Ryan Saghir, Director of Marketing at Sabra. “Most Friendsgivings are potluck-style, so it is easy to see why 1 out of 4 guests choose to keep things stress-free and bring hummus to the table.”

As there is so much stress surrounding the holidays, it’s no surprise if some dishes are forgotten. In fact, 59 percent of those surveyed have forgotten a main dish at a potluck-style Friendsgiving or traditional Thanksgiving.

Other forgotten dishes include dessert (56 percent), salads (51 percent), sides (46 percent), and dips (42 percent).

However, young Americans are not likely to forget the wine or alcohol as just a third of those studied revealed the booze to be the most commonly forgotten item at a potluck Friendsgiving or even traditional Thanksgiving.

“You can forget the booze, but please don’t forget the dips!” added Ryan Saghir, Director of Marketing at Sabra. “All joking aside, a fun activity is to set up a ‘flight’ of various hummus flavors and try pairing each variety with a different wine or beer. For example, try pairing Roasted Garlic with a zesty Pinot Grigio, or cut the heat of Supremely Spicy with a hoppy IPA.”

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