
ADVANCE - Learn 3 skills to enrich your life in 2020 - The Extreme Learning video course

ADVANCE - Learn 3 skills to enrich your life in 2020 - The Extreme Learning video course

ADVANCE: The Extreme Learning video course

Whenever we get stuck in life, whether it is in our careers or in our private lives, what we need to break out of this situation is… A NEW SKILL.

When you learn to do something new, you upgrade and change your life, you are adding new people, new places, new tools and new opportunities to explore. It’s the best way to enrich our daily experience.

In ADVANCE you will gain the cutting edge techniques and mindsets for becoming an Extreme Learner and you will apply this to quickly develop 3 major and transformative new skills in your life. You’ll be using the exact ways of thinking and learning that top businesses, champions and record breakers are using to push themselves to that next level.

There is so much of life to explore, yet so much of it is inaccessible to many of us because we simply lack the skill to participate. Take something as simple as swimming. If you have this skill it’s easy to see how many doors it opens, but if you can’t swim you are missing out on so much: pools, snorkeling, surfing, kitesurfing, wake boarding, scuba diving, water slides, etc. Even just a simple dip in the sea on the beach can be a dangerous endeavor… This one skill is the key to a multitude of great experiences over a lifetime.

But what about us? Which doors have we left unopened? Which parts of life are we leaving untouched and unexplored? What would you love to be able to do, yet you’re not doing it?
These are the doors ADVANCE will open for you!

You will discover how to progress quickly from an absolute beginner in anything, to a competent amateur or expert/master in record time. Expect to surprise yourself!

extreme learning,saxophone lesson,new years resolution,self improvement course,Florian Rooz,How to learn anything 3 times faster,

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