
'Applying Wisdom for Success' Timeless General + Love Energy by Element All Zodiac Reading

'Applying Wisdom for Success' Timeless General + Love Energy by Element All Zodiac Reading #tarot #daily #love #reading #general #sun #moon #rising #fire #earth #air #water

Timeless reading by element, for all zodiac signs! This applies to your Sun, Moon and Rising sign. We are pulling 1 card for general, and 1 card for love energies, by element, and then going over the overall energy at the end.

Fire = Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth = Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air = Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water = Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The decks used:
- The Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot, by Lana Zellner (modified)
- Romance Angels Oracle, by Doreen Virtue

I hope you enjoy! I love you all, Namaste


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