
Excel Macro - Save multiple files to specific folders by inputting from a popup box

Excel Macro  - Save multiple files to specific folders by inputting from a popup box Topic: Excel Macro - Save multiple sheets as separate PDF files to specific folders by inputting from a popup box
Scenario: After you split a master file into multiple small sub-tabs, you want to save the sheets as separated files into different folders
Function: Macro for Copy sheet, AutoFilter, and Loop

Sub SplitandFilterSheetandSavePDFtoSpecificFolder()
'Step 1 - Copy sheet
'Step 2 - Filter by Department and delete rows not applicable
'step 3 - Loop until the end of the list
Dim Path As Variant
Dim FileName As Variant

Dim Splitcode As Range
Set Splitcode = Range("Splitcode")

For Each cell In Splitcode
Sheets("Master").Copy After:=Worksheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = cell.Value

With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(cell.Value).Range("MasterData")
.AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:="NOT EQUAL TO" & cell.Value, Operator:=xlFilterValues
.Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
End With


'save splitted files to PDF
Path = InputBox("Please input the file path you'd like to save this file to (eg. E:\Test)")
FileName = ActiveSheet.Name & " Employee Data.pdf"

ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
FileName:=Path & "\" & cell.Value & " Employee Data.pdf", _

MsgBox "Note: This file is now saved with the name of " & FileName & " in " & Path & "."
Next cell

End Sub

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HR analytics,Excel for HR,Excel training,Excel tutorial,Save Multiple Sheets as Separate PDF Files,Save Multiple Sheets as Separate Files,save sheet as pdf,how to use macro to divide sheet,split excel file into multiple files by row vba,excel sheet save as pdf,save to pdf,split a master tab into multiple sub tabs,split excel file into multiple sheets by row,split excel file into multiple worksheets,split excel file into multiple files by sheet,

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