
Fr. Tom Thorne Proclaims An Efficacious Homily About The Redemptive Value Of The Crosses We Carry

Fr. Tom Thorne Proclaims An Efficacious Homily About The Redemptive Value Of The Crosses We Carry Fr. Thorne delivers a homily that offers a fresh perspective about the spiritually redemptive value of the crosses that the faithful carry while on pilgrimage during their earthly journey. Specifically, Fr. Thorne focuses on the Gospel passage "For my yoke is easy, and my burden light."

From a human perspective, Fr. Thorne explains, crosses that are given to the faithful on earth, may seem to be anything but "easy and light." In fact, in some of life's situations that come with heavy crosses, one may ask "Where is God in this situation?"

However, Fr. Thorne exhorts the faithful to see beyond the immediate human pain and inconvenience, and instead see the situation and corresponding cross, from the perspective of suffering and sacrifice that offers a gateway of grace permeated with spiritual redemptive value. This spiritual redemptive value, as explained by Fr. Thorne, is coming from the Divine God who is Infinite Mercy and Compassion, who sees what the faithful need in order to advance in grace on their earthly pilgrimage in preparation for their entrance into eternal salvation and their Heavenly Homeland.

In conclusion, Fr. Thorne invites the faithful to embrace the grace of the crosses that God blesses them with, with joy and gratitude, during Advent and throughout life, and to know that it is by God's Holy Will that they are being transformed for the greater glory of God.

Fr Tom Thorne,Fr Thorne Sacred Heart Church,Fr Thorne my yoke is easy and burden light,Fr Thorne spiritual redemptive value,Fr Thorne palm desert,

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