One of the economical and realistic solutions to these challenges is High Voltage Direct Current, HVDC.
Enabling efficient long-distance transmission and the exchange of power among areas, HVDC systems are expected to be in even greater demand in grid-connected renewable energy sectors, such as offshore wind and solar power, and long-distance transmission to high demand areas.
Taking advantage of their strengths, Hitachi and ABB work together to advance the LCC-HVDC project between Shin Shinano and Hida, which is currently under construction, and the project for increasing the capacity of the Higashi Shimizu Substation by 600 MW with adopting a VSC-HVDC system.
Hitachi will contribute to electric power system reforms and stable power supply through its rich experience and world-leading technologies on HVDC.
※In 2014, Hitachi formed a strategic partnership with ABB, which is a world-leading company in HVDC technologies.
In 2015, we established Hitachi ABB HVDC Technologies, a joint venture company for HVDC business in Japan.