Round the sales tax rate to 10%. No matter what the actual tax rate is, this will make your multiplication much simpler. The goal in estimating sales tax is to make the math simple enough to do in your head. Don't bother with exact amounts, just estimate well enough to make sure you have enough money to pay for what you want to buy. By using an estimate of 10% it will mean that, in most cases, you are rounding up, making your estimate more than you will actually pay. If you are actually rounding the tax rate down, make sure to remember that your estimate will be a little bit less than you will need to pay.
--------- CONTENTS ---------
00:04 Round the sales tax rate to 10%
00:36 Move the decimal point in the cost of your item one space to...
01:02 Add the estimated tax to the cost of the item
--------- CC LICENSE --------
Creative Commons license: Add-Sales-Tax (wikihow & authors)
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