
Is He Thinking About Me? Signs he is!

Is He Thinking About Me? Signs he is! For more tips and secrets:

“Is He Thinking About Me?” – The Signs That Say YES!

It’s kind of a cliché, but one of the questions every woman wants to ask is “Is he thinking about me?” And sometimes “What is he THINKING?”

Because if you can just get this guy to think good stuff about you, you know you’ve got him good and HOOKED on you!

You know YOU are thinking about him, but that’s the part that’s got you obsessing, right? You want to flip the tables and make him as obsessed about you as you are with him.

You might be interested in him, thinking about him – and wondering if he’s interested in you…
You might be dating him and wondering if he’s feeling and thinking the same thing you are…
You might have broken up and now you want your ex back…
Whatever the situation, it’s important to know where his head’s at and what he’s thinking when you’re dating!

But how do you know if he’s thinking about you?

Is it true?

Or was there something that made him stop thinking about you…

Let’s jump into the report and talk about the signs that say YES – he is thinking about you…!

“Is He Thinking About Me?”

Sign #1: He’s A Social Media Stud…

If this guy is thinking about you, he’s going to find reasons to contact you and find out what’s going on with you. Which means he’s probably going to stalk you a little bit on social media.

And it doesn’t matter if you’re 21 or 101 years old – everyone’s online these days.

Even if he’s not on Pinterest or Snapchat (or whatever comes next) – you can bet he’ll be out there making contact on at least Facebook. (One of my distant aunts is 80-something and she’s crazy-posting all the time on Facebook.)

Dating tips: You’re going to see this guy being much more visible. It will start out with friend and connection requests.

It might even start out innocently enough through some kind of professional connection, where he makes it a point to connect with you on Linked In about 2 minutes after you meet. (HINT: If he connects with you from his phone while you are together, that’s a HUGE sign!)

But you’ll see him make a big deal out of (sorta) cyber-stalking you on social media. This is part of his thinking about you and turning it into curiosity that makes him stay in contact. And even if he’s your recent ex, you will still see him keeping up on you this way.

Sign #2: Likes Likes Everywhere…

You’re also going to notice the activity on social networks start to pick up once you connect with him. He’s going to be tagging, liking, and commenting quite a bit on posts and stuff related to you while he thinks about you.

When you wonder ‘is he thinking about me,’ one side is him wanting you to notice him. Another part will be him wanting to “stake a claim” with you as early as possible. Yeah, guys start getting territorial and possessive the second there’s any interest on his part. He won’t want to risk losing you the more thinks about you.

Sign #3: He’s Foaming at the FOMO…

You might have heard of the term “FOMO.” It’s an acronym for:

Fear Of Missing Out

It was coined to describe how people behave these days with their smart phones. Now that we are all so darn connected online, we live in this weird state of being afraid of missing out on what’s going on with other people.

I used to feel this way back in my 30s, when I got my first cell phone with chat and voice mail. I was always checking to see if I was missing out on messages about going out and hanging with my friends. I’d think “Oh no, I better not miss anything…”

This was especially true when dating.

Guys get this way when it comes to a woman they’re interested in dating. In the beginning, you’ll see him viewing, checking things, and even being REALLY responsive on texts that you send.

Which, unfortunately, sets you up for a false expectation later that he’ll keep this texting frequency up. (He won’t, sorry to tell you.) But enjoy it while it lasts!

Sign #4: He Thinks In The Deep End…

One of the signs that a guy is only into you for the sex is that he’s never really interested in learning more about you. He just stays superficial.

Conversely, if he asks you a lot of deep and thought-provoking questions, you can pretty much guess that he’s thinking about you a lot.

Guys ask more questions of women that they’re interested in. He wants to get to know you and understand you.

And you should really think about this next dating tip –

FOR THE REST - Watch the video!


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Carlos Cavallo

Dating Advice Guru


Is He Thinking About Me?

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