
Rich President Nakamura's farewell bid farewell to his shoulders.

Rich President Nakamura's farewell bid farewell to his shoulders. Twitter Link:
Dr. Nakamura, who spent more than
three decades improving Afghan lives — murdered at 73 years old as he was driving to work in Jalalabad city along with his five Afghan colleagues.
#Nakamura #Afganistan #Japan #Jalalabadcity
د جاپان له خلکو سره مو دلته غمرازي شريکه کړۍ.
We are deeply saddened to hear the news that doctor Tetsu Nakamura has died in hospital after his vehicle was targeted by gunmen in Nangarhar province, also killing five Afghans, including his bodyguards and driver.

Dr. #Nakamura was a great friend of #Afghanistan and dedicated his life to change the lives of Afghans. His dedication and ceaseless efforts improved the irrigation system and transformed traditional agriculture in eastern Afghanistan.

The people and government of Afghanistan honor his legacies and mourn his loss along with his family, colleagues, friends, and the people of Japan.




Losing Dr. Nakamura is very hard, especially for our Afghan people. Today Afghanistan lost a true hero and public servant. He has devoted his life to the medical treatment and land reclamation of vulnerable people in Afghanistan. My prayers are with Dr. Tetsu Nakamura family during this difficult time. He will be remembered as a true human being who selflessly worked for the betterment of #Afghanistan. 😭😭
私たちアフガニスタン人にとって、中村博士を失うことは特に辛いことです。 今日、アフガニスタンは真のヒーローを失いました。 彼はアフガニスタンの弱い立場の人々に医療と土地再生に人生を捧げてきました。 私の祈りは、この困難な時期に中村哲先生の家族とともにあります。 彼は真に #アフガニスタン の改善のために貢献した人間として決して忘れられないでしょう。 😭😭


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