
2 bags are not allowed in Retama Library, Corpus Christi, Texas

2 bags are not allowed in Retama Library, Corpus Christi, Texas They don't want me to look like I'm camping and have determined that the bag size and amount of bags is a strong indicator of my camping intentions. Camping is wrong to do in the library because it means that you take up extra space which is a problem for other people. What if everybody, who came to the library, brought in their camping bags? There would be conflict of space between the patrons that could result in accidents and fights.
The library hired an armed private security guard to enforce the bag limits. The need for the gun could be a result of the popularity of this area for homeless-looking people. I will admit that I am noticing a stronger homeless presence in this downtown area, which hosts parking meters and tighter parking regulations. Although, the library parking lot has no clear regulations posted on any sign in the lot.

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