▸ Hire Me!
↝ I'm a freelance editor and beta reader! Want to work together?
↝ Read testimonials from previous clients here:
↝ (please note I prefer to sign new clients directly from my website)
▸ In This Video:
↝ Energy Drink:
↝ Reusable Starbucks Cup:
↝ Phone Case:
▸ Try Audible for free:
▸ Book of the Month YA Box:
▸ My Book:
↝ The Sweetest Kind of Poison:
↝ Goodreads:
▸ For business inquiries you can contact me at:
↝ kwismer2@gmail.com
▸ Socials
↝ BookBub:
↝ 2nd Channel:
↝ Patreon:
↝ Society6:
↝ Twitter:
↝ Instagram:
↝ Goodreads:
▸ How I teach from home:
↝ Referral code: ONJHKY
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