
Blend and combine in DS Mechanical, features and nuances | Смешивание - особенности и нюансы .

Blend and combine in DS Mechanical, features and nuances | Смешивание - особенности и нюансы . - Welcome to my channel.
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For my work I use DesignSpark Mechanical – thanks to developer for this opportunity.
Hi everyone. In this video you can see recommendations for Blending and Combining and what features and nuances may arise in this case.
The program does not always provide the desired result. Do not rush to look for another program without trying other options and solutions
to achieve the goal. This video is a good example of how to get around the restrictions that the program sets. I hope that everything is clear and very simple.
If so, don't forget to appreciate this video and subscribe to my channel.
Thank you for watching this video and don't forget to share it with other people.

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