

CANCER-WHAT IT IS-Video 1 1) cancer - What it is - Video 1 Special thanks to Tanuja Uchil ( for this video !
ABOUT - Welcome to Video 1 Am Nisha Koiri.. was diagnosed with breast cancer i.e. ductal invasive carcinoma in May 2016 and healed completely Naturally without chemo radiation or surgery.. So now am sharing my journey as consider it my responsibility given by our Dear Loving Mother Nature. In this beautiful journey I started out as a layman who had studied commerce and worked in Marketing and then went on to learn so much about Natural Healing and its loving ways that landed up becoming a Naturopath. Now regarding cancer I highly recommend all to read this book “cancer is not a disease its a survival mechanism” by Andreas Moritz. if not the tumour then coz of acidosis then within a few hours there would be multi organ failure. So Thank God for the cancer i.e lumps tumours you are still alive.
One should realise and understand that *cancer is not a disease it is a survival mechanism* by the body.. tumor is formed by the body so that it can contain the extreme acid increase in the body that is the reason body creates these cancer cells and it collects the extra acidity and contains it and forms in tumor or lump so thank god for the cancer cells because if these cancer cells were not there then because of extreme acidosis there .. it would result in multi organ failure and death within a few hours.. so *because of the cancer cells we are still alive today* so once we realise this truth & just switch our thinking and understand what is cancer and why it was created by our body then we will really love the cancer cells and know they are here to help us & not to harm us once we understand this reality then the way to heal definitely will be with more love and care and non toxic how can one then think also of cutting poisoning or burning our loving part of the body which was created only to save our life .. V then will start treating our body with love and respect and understand the way how mother nature has designed for us to live .. our body is extremely intelligent & does Heal so we just have to not panic & not let fear dominate our thoughts or decision.. understand & find our own natural loving healing modality because there is really *No better doctor than our loving Mother Nature*

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