
Deadly Storm Gloria Hits Barcelona and Much of Northeastern Spain

Deadly Storm Gloria Hits Barcelona and Much of Northeastern Spain Storm Gloria, which has killed at least four people, hit Barcelona and much of eastern Spain for a third day, Tuesday, January 21, cutting power, forcing the closure of schools and severing road and rail links.
READ MORE: National weather agency Aemet placed most of northeastern Spain on alert because of the storm packing gusts of over 100 kilometers per hour, heavy snowfall, freezing rain and massive waves which smashed into seafront promenades, damaging shops and restaurants.

Some 220,000 people lost power for several hours in the province of Girona in the northeastern region of Catalonia, local emergency services said.

It began to affect southern France Tuesday, cutting power to around 1,000 households in the Pyrenees-Orientales region on the border with Spain. (AFP/Reuters)


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