
Jason Murphy Guided Meditation: Brahmavihārās | The Divine Abodes | The Sublime States

Jason Murphy Guided Meditation: Brahmavihārās | The Divine Abodes | The Sublime States Jan 22, 2020 The Brahmavihārās are the Buddhist Four Heart Practices, known as a peaceful dwelling place or a refuge in the heart. Jason’s guided meditation is on developing emotional balance in your practice with the Brahmavihārās:
1. Loving-kindness or benevolence (metta)
2. Compassion (karuna)
3. Empathetic joy (mudita)
4. Equanimity (upekkha)

Buddhism,Dharma Talk,Noah Levine,Against The Stream,Against The Stream Meditation Center,Recovery,Addiction Recovery,Guided Meditation,Meditation,Dharma Punx,

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