
Mr. Magoo Christians & A Vital Word From Rick Joyner

Mr. Magoo Christians & A Vital Word From Rick Joyner Do you remember the old cartoon Mr. Magoo? The cartoon about a short, wealthy, old retiree who was always finding himself in troubling scenarios because of his extreme near-sightedness? He was nearly blind and yet was too stubborn to admit the problem. 

So many Christians today are like Mr. Magoo. These Magoo Christians are too near-sighted, they don’t see what is actually happening around them. They don’t understand that we are in a WAR!

Today we are going through a list of shocking new articles, showing exactly how the enemy is attacking us from every angle: entertainment, culture, the media, and the church. 

Join us for the whole program as we will also be sharing a vital word for the church from Rick Joyner. 

Follow this link if you want to check out “If You Can Keep It,” the amazing American history book by Eric Metaxas that we plugged on the show:

You can also follow this link if you’d like to read Rick Joyner’s full "Word for the Week" message:

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zach drew show,zach drew,IGBY,NEWS,CHRISTIAN NEWS,END TIMES,end time news,prophetic,world events,prophetic news,MR Magoo,Mr Magoo Christians,Rick Joyner,Prophet,morningstar,Disney Cartoon,owl house,witchcraft,walt disney,hell,trump,evangelicals,Gulags,Project Veritas,Kyle Jurek,bernie sanders,rick wiles,jim bakker,

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