
Nasal bones were displaced for more than 10 years. He often had unilateral nostrils to breathe.

Nasal bones were displaced for more than 10 years. He often had unilateral nostrils to breathe. 小時候兩兄弟一起玩耍,哥哥誤傷弟弟,令弟弟鼻骨移位困擾十多年,經常得單邊鼻孔呼吸,現在回復正常,呼吸都順暢返。

These two brother played together when they young, elder brother accidentally injured his younger brother. The younger brother’s nasal bones were displaced for more than 10 years. He often had unilateral nostrils to breathe. Do my best and now he return to normal and breathing smoothly.


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