For each user, identity their needs. Focus on being creative and thorough: doing this well is critical to being able to generate thoughtful solutions.
• Identify both functional and aspirational needs.y For example, for a dating app, you might say "I want to find people of the right age & gender" as well as "I want to feel in-demand and validated"
• Focus on core needs rather than painpoints of existing solutions. What do people fundamentally want in this space?
• Practice being able to generate 10+ needs and doing it quickly. If you get stuck, think of needs along the entire user lifecycle.
• Don't narrow down/prioritize one need. Focus on generating impactful solutions that solve many needs.
• This section can easily be the biggest part of the interview, frequently close to half of the 30-35 minute interview.
It's absolutely essential that you only advance to the solution stage once you feel you've really explored needs and have the right background to be able to generate big, impactful solutions.