"Sky Fighter" by Lukas Kendall
In the 26th century: humankind fights a war in space against an unstoppable alien adversary. A pilot, John, awakens on the deck of his two-man fighter-bomber spaceship—with no memory how he got there. His copilot, Mo, tells him he was hacked (via his cybernetics) by the aliens, and she tried to save him...yet evidence on the ship points to HER being the one possessed by the enemy. Should he trust her...or the little memory he regains?
Director's Statement:
"This is a take on space warfare I've always loved (Star Wars, Robotech, Battlestar Galactica) with a Twilight Zone/Black Mirror/Memento twist. (Robotech fans: you'll recognize the voice on the radio.) Hopefully there's something to make you feel, make you think—and give you some candy for your eyes and ears. It's bread-and-butter suspense storytelling, grounding the fantastic in relatable human behavior. There is a moral to the story...but I can't give it away without ruining the ending." —Lukas Kendall
Director's Links:
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