
The Right Way to Catch a Snake in Your House

The Right Way to Catch a Snake in Your House So get this: You’re doing some chores (or lazing around!), and you hear that unmistakable hissss. Uh Oh. “Is that a snake—in my HOUSE?” A snake may be looking for a cool damp spot to chill down—like a basement—or shelter from the rain so that it won’t destroy its nest.

Remember the golden rule when it comes to wild animals: it’s more scared of you than you are of it. Guide the snake outside with a broom. If the “broom method” didn’t work, restrict its ability to move. Make sure any cracks, gaps, or holes around your home are sealed to prevent any future visits.

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Snakes will try to come indoors in extreme weather. 0:30
Where will snakes try to hide? 1:02
Snakes WILL nest in your house if they can. 1:37
How did it get in my house, anyway? 1:57
How common is it to find a snake in the house? 2:18
Step 1: Stay calm! 2:59
Step 2. Get any kids or pets out of the area. 3:40
Step 3: Determine if the snake is venomous. When all else fails, ask the snake. 4:14
Step 4. Guide the snake outside with a broom. 4:51
Step 5. If the “broom method” didn’t work, restrict its ability to move. 5:19
Step 6. Get the snake outside. 5:45
Step 7. Call Animal Control 6:19
Step 8. Try a DIY snake trap! 6:49
Step 9. Prevent any future visits. 7:24

#survivaltips #snakeinthehouse #brightside

-Snakes are cold-blooded reptiles, which means their environment is what controls their body temperature.
-Along with the basement, snakes may try to hide in your walls, attic, and crawl spaces.
-If you’ve got those perfect conditions, a snake will build its nest in your home, and then you’ll have a big problem on your hands!
-Snakes found in houses are usually on the smaller side because they can wiggle their way in through small cracks, openings, and any “weak spots” in your home.
-In some places, snakes are part of daily life and are as common a pest as mice or mosquitoes.
-Remember the golden rule when it comes to wild animals: it’s more scared of you than you are of it.
-Pets and children are smaller than you are, and they move more unpredictably. This may agitate the legless home invader.
- Try to get a good look at it without disturbing it, and read about poisonous snakes that can be found in your area.
-Set up “barriers” as best as you can to keep it in that one room, and open the door to the outside. Gently guide the snake through a path to the exit.
-Cover the snake with a big blanket or put a laundry hamper on top of it with the open side down.
-Hold the snake as securely as you can while keeping it away from your body. Get it outside and release it far from your property.
-Animal control will have special equipment to remove the snake safely. And give them a call if the snake is hiding, but you know it’s there.
-All you need is a plastic water bottle, scissors, and snake food.
-Make sure any cracks, gaps, or holes around your home are sealed. Check your attic, basement, and crawl spaces thoroughly because they might be easy to miss in these areas.

Music by Epidemic Sound

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snakes,snake in your house,how to catch a snake,venomous snake,reptiles,protect your kids,protect your pets,stay calm,DIY snake trap,prevent snake visits,animal control,get the snake outside,wild animals,survival tips,survival hacks,snake habits,

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