
TRL crash simulation using BIM and VR to replicate the driver's view of surroundings

TRL crash simulation using BIM and VR to replicate the driver's view of surroundings The BBC recently reported a collision ( witnessed by Ellie Goulding, in which the truck driver claimed he didn’t see the car that was struck.

This collision clearly demonstrates the dangers that can result from poor direct visibility for HGV drivers and raises questions about what could be done to prevent similar incidents.

TRL’s Ceki Erginbas mocked up a similar event in our VR simulator to explore direct visibility in these impact configurations. We used our BIM CAV model, which fully describes the Smart Mobility Living Lab: London's roads and environment, and used the VR simulator to replicate the conditions of the collision from the truck driver's point of view.

The VR simulator is just one of many innovative technologies we use to identify the true causes and consequences of collisions. This type of research supports the design of methods to avoid them and ultimately reduce the number of casualties on the road.

TRL’s in-depth collision research team regularly investigates similar collisions. This type of research has recently resulted in evidence-based changes to vehicle design through the Bus Safety Standard, HGV Direct Vision Standard and the European Commission’s General Safety Regulation (


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