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MUSIC: This video uses a composition entitled "The Conflict" (link to song here: by a fantastic artist named Lucas King. You can find Lucas King's channel, including original Star Wars-themed music, here:
MUSIC: This video uses a composition entitled "The Quest" (link to song here: by a talented artist named Whitesand. You can find Whitesand's channel here:
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The Non-Canon Expert describes how even though the Separatist General Grievous was fueled by a powerful/consuming hatred of the Jedi, he still respected one practice undertaken by all Jedi within the Order, which connected to the cyborg's previous life as a Kaleesh warrior on his homeworld of Kalee.
This is a Legends story for General Grievous with information found primarily within the Legends novel "Labyrinth of Evil" by James Luceno. I hope that you enjoy it!