Here are funny moments , and the best outplays from League of Legends streamers and LCS Games.
Thanks to Yassuo, C9 Sneaky, Imaqtpie, Trick2g, Pokimane, IWillDominate, Shiphtur, Llstylish, Tobias Fate, Tarzaned, Riot Games, Tyler1, Nightblue3, Scarra
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Outro song:
Also watch:
The 10k bet playlist T1 vs Yassuo:
TF Blade one hande push-ups
G2 Caps smurfing in high elo
League Client asks Imaqtpie for nudes
Yassuo rage at a D4 player
Streamer cries after 100$ donation
Yassuo laugh compilation
Rekkles plays urf
Tyler1's Girlfriend accused for stealing his money
LCS Player has 1 farm in 5 min
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Thanks to streamers and their content:
► Imaqtpie
► LilChipMunk
► Bang
► Nightblue3
► LuxxBunny
► RoyalCheetah
► Emiru
► NickiTaylor
► Tobias Fate
► Scarra
► Bjergsen
► Dyrus
► Doublelift
► Yassuo
► C9 Sneaky
► Pokimane
► Trick2g
► Pobelter
► Lck
► Riot Games
► Destiny
► Soaz
► Adrian Riven:
► Chaseshaco:
► Duthmaster:
► Feedaboi:
► Fr1dge8:
► Gripex90:
► Kastonic:
► Lol_nemesis:
► Midbeast:
► Ratirl:
► Solorenektononly:
► The__kraken__:
► Zwag:
► Autolykuslol:
► Damir:
► Deadlyl0l:
► Knutter:
► Riotgamesjp:
► Rush:
► Vraellll:
► Xshaice:
► Yairadon:
► Yumyumyu77: