
2018-19 Cole Fellows Research Presentations

2018-19 Cole Fellows Research Presentations Topics include,19th century historical events informing new interactive exhibits, 19th century female artists, connections between Thomas Cole’s mineral collection and his art, and alternative methods of engagement with the arts and local teens.
* 00:00 - Kate Menconeri, Curator and Director of Fellowship Program (Intro)
* 06:02 - Katherine Pratt-Thompson, Below the Surface: Understanding the Mineral Collection of Thomas Cole
* 25:12 - Amanda Malmstrom, The Gendered Landscape: Re-visioning Women's History of the Hudson River School and Cedar Grove
* 43:32 - Maeve McCool, The Great Outdoors: The Importance of Place. Nature, and Outdoor Experiences
* 59:06 - Peter Fedoryk, Thomas Cole and the World: A Search for Perspective in the 1840s.
TRT: 01:19:21

Thomas Cole,Hudson River School,Catskill,Cole-Fellows,Kate Menconeri,Sarah Cole,Katherine Pratt-Thompson,Amanda Malmstrom,Maeve McCool,Peter Fedoryk,

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