
An Informal Guide to Plants From a Master Aquatic Horticulturalist- My First Talk at a Fish Club

An Informal Guide to Plants From a Master Aquatic Horticulturalist- My First Talk at a Fish Club Unedited and simple, this is my informal talk about plants and how to do well with them for the North Sound Aquarium Society. This was my first ever full talk for a club and it took place in a restaurant's banquet room, so there is a touch of background noise.

Does this talk get you all fired up for some plants? I started my planted tank addiction at Aquarium Co-Op... I may have even mentioned them a few times in the talk. If you're looking for plants that get converted ahead of time, there's no one else I'd recommend over them:

As I mention in the talk, I use Aquarium Co-Op's Easy green as my fertilizer of choice - you can pick that up here and it helps the channel!

Thinking of doing CO2? Here's the diffusers I use in my tanks I mention in the talk:

Outside the US and can't get Easy Green? Another great fertilizer is Thrive:

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I mention the one-two punch algae treatment toward the end of this talk, here's a link to that article:

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