
5 Amazing But Peculiar Characteristics of INFJs

5 Amazing But Peculiar Characteristics of INFJs 5 Amazing But Peculiar Characteristics of INFJs.

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INFJ stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judgment. As an introvert, INFJs are quiet, calm and reflective, but they can react on the spot. They have powerful intuition which aids them and allows them to be surprisingly correct in judgments about others. They are caring and compassionate, almost on a level that no one ever has before. Means they care about what you have to say, what you think, and your overall well-being, and sometimes even rush into your aid without concerning about theirs. Cure your anxiety with CBD oil -

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"Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength" by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :


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#INFJ #Introverts #Personality





6 Unusual Things That Happen Only to Spiritually Gifted People:


#1. The "all or nothing" policy.

INFJs typically don't like being in the middle. They have a tendency to choose the extreme sides, which is to give their all or do nothing at all. It is always yes or no, just like a binary bit of digital. For example, when they decide to do something, they will stick with doing that until getting what they want, no matter what. Somehow the passion stays, and it remains there for quite a long time. However, it doesn't mean INFJs are immune to walking in the wrong direction. Simply because of choosing the extreme, INFJs basically cannot pick experience something in between.

#2. The ability to settle.

Though INFJs have a huge passion, for one thing, INFJs are not immune to mood swings. Sometimes, they can't settle on a particular something when their passion runs out, just like other people. However, once they find the right one, INFJs definitely can stay for quite a long time. It is usually the activity that stays on top of the "all-or-nothing policy" because they like to be in that situation.

#3. Finding the perfect extreme.

People are always in a unique journey, and everybody is trying to find their perfect angle. Especially for INFJs, they have an extremely peculiar trait that makes them different. They may struggle hard to find a job, relationship, passion, and hobby that fits their need because they are basically a perfectionist all-or-nothing lad who expects high on everything. Often, the community they are in can't satisfy them for perfection. So, if a little thing ever goes wrong and untreated, they tend to move and find a different project until they find a perfect extreme and stick with it for a long time. Fortunately, INFJs are a pretty good learner and a good listener so they can learn something out of it, and they won't waste their time stuck in the wrong situation all the time.

Please watch the rest of the video to see another list ...

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