
satan and lilith run this matrix ,game 23 battle for your soul

satan and lilith run this matrix ,game 23 battle for your soul sorry about my speech whenever I make videos my boy get hot and I start sweating , and I get mind wiped my mind keeps going blank and it is very hard to talk I get beamed with ELF weapons so bad .

this video is 100 percent fake and not real everything in it is a lie nothing is real or true in this fiction video

freemasons and gang stalkers anyone who joins satan gains acces use the tyler system satans a.i. to gang stalk you and the power to manipulate reality

this matrix was created by satan and lilith it is run by an A.I. that goes by the name of tyler , the matrix program is called the game 23 !!!! This matrix is like a video game the whole point of this matrix is for satan to get your soul win your soul and send it to hell . i=The game 23 is a battle for your soul satans A.I. THAT CONTROLS THIS MATRIX PLAYS THE GAME 23 it tries to get your soul and feed of your souls energy and send it to hell

satan and lilith are 5th dimensional being spirit beings astral beings and there using huamns as avatars to have a physical body in this dimension satan and lilith wont appear as what they really are they will appear as huamns


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