
Lucid Dreaming Ongoing Group - Mindful Lucid Dreaming™ Alumni Group Description

Lucid Dreaming Ongoing Group - Mindful Lucid Dreaming™ Alumni Group Description Kristen describes ways to continue training after the 6-week online workshop in Mindful Lucid Dreaming™.

Alumni meet regularly with Kristen to share and learn how to work more creatively with their dreams.

Share dream reports and receive feedback from Kristen and others in the alumni "Group Stream of Consciousness."

Participate in group activities for more inspiration and accountability to help you lucid dream.

Run your own dream discussion groups! Teaching others is a great way to sharpen your lucid dreaming and leadership skills.

Work independently by studying the Course Library for the rest of the year.

Work one-on-one with Kristen to overcome challenges in the dream state and grow your practice.

There are options for any level of engagement that fits in your life.

Join us for our next class--starting in January! Go to:

More info on the alumni program can be found here:

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lucid dreaming,online course,mindfulness,online group,dream yoga,astral projection,OBE,out-of-body experience,lucid dreams,lucidity,lucid dreamers,self-help,learn,dreams,consciousness,conscious dreaming,

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