
🎁🎂 Happy Birthday Capricorn! 🎁🎂 Trust Your Decisions and Intuition! It's Your Life After All

🎁🎂 Happy Birthday Capricorn! 🎁🎂 Trust Your Decisions and Intuition! It's Your Life After All Want a personal reading?? Email me ~~
~~ In your email be sure to choose ONE type of reading by NAME:

#1 – Mini - $25 . . . 3 card spread, 1 question/topic/area of your life (e.g. love, career, etc) -- 20-25 mins
#2 – Regular - $45 . . . 6 card spread, 2 questions/topics/areas of your life (e.g. love, career, etc), + an oracle card -- 45-55 mins
#3 – Extended - $80 . . . 6 card spread + clarifiers, up to 3 questions/topics/areas of your life (e.g. love, career, etc), + oracle cards -- 60-90 mins

Payments ONLY accepted through the PayPal link below . . . ALL prices are USD ($)

Once PayPal payment is received, I will email you an expected date for your personal video -- there is a 24-72 hour turn around once payment is received.

You'll receive a video from me via a private YouTube upload.

PLEASE be sure that your name on PayPal is one that matches with the email you send.

Got a query or question about what to expect with a reading?? Feel free to email me!

Thank you, Love, light, and peace!!! ❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜☮️ –- J

✨ ✨ ✨ Reading starts == @4:30 oracle @1:00:25 ✨ ✨ ✨

Hi Capricorn,

You stand on the brink of making some very significant decisions in your life, and regardless of what exactly you are deciding on, you know that things are bound to change because of what choose to do. At the center of making this choice is what your own heart and gut tell you is right for you, which likely creates points of tension and disagreement with those closest to you. This definitely complicates the matter as you care about the impact your decision may have on others; however, the feeling of acting in your own best interest is strong as future opportunities may be sacrificed/lost by not following your intuition. No matter what you choose, there may be a some time spent wrestling with uncertainty and can you be sure that what you felt was right was indeed really right?? Risks and consequences embody every significant choice that is made in life, but something (or someone around you) is telling you the potential gains outweigh the potential losses in this situation. The key is to stay in tune with your intuition and big-picture goals and dreams and to some extent ignore what your day-to-day reality is telling you. The time for bold moves is now, and the payoff for taking such a leap probably will not come immediately. Will that pending time spent in uncertainty be enough to cause you to turn back to what you already know and are comfortable with. The choice, as always, is yours! Good luck!

Got a query or concern?? Check the About page for the contact email.

Love, light, and peace!! -- J 🔮🔮

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