
Spanish-4-You Skype class: Case Study of a Physician. Deep conversation about our cats ;)

Spanish-4-You Skype class: Case Study of a Physician. Deep conversation about our cats ;) Spanish classes by Skype
Teacher: Laura Zayas, Director
MA, Education of Foreign Languages, UCLA


Name of student: Irmina Haq

Profession: Physician

Previous experience with Spanish: None. An absolute beginner!

Placement Test: No- she did not know anything

Signed up: July 9, 2018

First lesson: 1A (Greetings)
Current lesson: 16B (Preterite)

Number of 30 min Skype sessions: 65

Current Level: High Intermediate/Low Advanced (in between levels)
Advanced 6 levels

Irmina Haq is a medical doctor. She has been my student since July 9, 2018. When she started she did not know anything. An absolute beginner. She takes sessions with me once a week for 30 minutes. She has taken a total of 63 classes. She is truly conversational about any topic and her level now is high intermediate/low advanced. She is one of the clients that has advanced the most. Her accent is absolutely perfect. She can talk about any topic in the present and in the past. She has an unbelievable memory and can incorporate new words/phrases almost immediately after learning them. She can now converse with ease with her Spanish-speaking patients and in a few months she won't need an interpreter. That is our goal because she is changing jobs soon!

We always start the sessions by talking about our respective cats. My cat is Milo and her cat is Scotty. We are both cat lovers. Please notice how the session is conducted entirely in Spanish. Spanish learning should not be so serious and formal. I always tell my students that the goal is communication, not perfection. I never over-correct my students. I just repeat gently if they say something wrong and have them repeat after me.

spanish online,Spanish by Skype,Spanish-4-You,Spanish with Laura,medical spanish online,

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