On this episode you will learn:
- Why your relationship with food is so unique and powerful.
- Kelsey’s journey with anorexia nervosa and exercise compulsions.
- The moments of clarity that inspired Kelsey to seek treatment.
- How Kelsey recovered from her disordered eating patterns.
- The powerful and symbolic dream that was a monumental part of her recovery.
- How Kelsey developed a healthier relationship with exercise.
- The basic tenets of intuitive eating.
- Why a dieting mentality triggers fear and anxiety.
- How calorie counting and macro counting can be a huge trigger for some people.
- Why assigning morality to food is unproductive.
- How restriction and food rules can lead to binging.
- The different roles that food can play in our lives.
- Why leaving behind the diet mentality is so empowering.
- Why facing your food fears can take the power away from disordered thoughts.
- What it truly means to be mindful about your hunger.
- The power of appreciating your own unique body.
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