
How to Administer a Pill to your Pet Dog

How to Administer a Pill to your Pet Dog In this video the steps on how to give a pill without food are covered.

The Steps to Give a Pill to your Dog

- Begin by placing a slip lead or a leash around your dog’s neck. The leash is a symbol of authority. This will communicate both mentally and physically that you are establishing control and expect good behavior.
- Next, place the dog in a sit position.
- Either kneel behind your dog or stand closely by his side or place him sitting on a table . This will all depend on his size and your physical agility.
- With one hand (your less dominant hand), open the dog’s mouth by holding his muzzle on top.
- With the other hand, drop or place the pill in is mouth as far back as possible and in the middle.
- Keeping it centered will help eliminate the chances the dog will push the pill between his teeth and gums. That would be his instinct to do so. Be sure the pill lands over the hump of the tongue. It should be as far back on the tongue as possible. It helps if you are tilting his head up. This will help the pill fall back down to his throat. Think of it as making sure his nose is pointed towards the ceiling.
- Once the pill has been dropped or placed in the center of the throat, close the dog’s mouth with one hand and continue to keep his head slightly tilted upward.
- Stroke the dog’s throat with your free hand. This will cause an involuntary swallow reflex.
- Once you see the dog swallow and lick his lips, this means he has likely swallowed the pill.
- Continue to rub his neck for a few more moments to help ensure that you were successful.
- If the pill did not properly reach the back center area of the throat, the dog may have thwarted your attempt to ‘pill him’. You will know this because the dogs will spat out the pill and most likely look at you with disdain!! In this case you would have to try again.
- Remember to speak to your dog firmly but gently as you attempt this procedure. You do not want to scare him but you do not want him to think you are a pushover either.

Further tips on this topic can be found on our website


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